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Showing posts from February, 2012

Abide With Me

  Abide with Me - Libera "Help of the helpless, oh abide with me." So often I try going through this life being confident of things when most of the time it's a mask I'm wearing. At the same time though, being confident shows how level headed, or sure you are in life. It makes you desirable among people looking to hire for their specific company. It makes you wanted for marriage material. It's something everyone wants. Confidence is key to staying grounded in what you believe. It asks for being sure of what you believe, of being so confident that your roots hold steadfast so you cannot be uprooted. You stand firm against the torrent of waves that pound you, trying to knock you off of your confident position. After taking a beating for so long sometimes you do crumble a little bit. Sometimes we think, it's okay to show our weakness. To give in a little bit. You see, when roots move a little bit in the ground, it creates space to be uprooted. When waves ge