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Showing posts from August, 2012

The Little Things That Make Me Come Back Home

Last night I was watching a movie about a musician who falls in love with a deaf girl. (I must say, it was a pretty emotionally moving movie.) The main idea of the movie was to never give up because something is difficult. The theme is one that all of us must be reminded of from time to time. As the couple falls in love there are the (almost) typical obstacles that they must overcome. The turning point in the movie really made me think. I started thinking of my life. I was sitting there watching this movie with my son sleeping in my lap and my amazing wife next to me on the couch. Life was grand during this thought. (I know this next part is weird) I then started to think about what would happen if I landed in the hospital on the ledge between life and death and I had time to say my last goodbyes to my family. Once again, I know this is a morbid thought, but what would I say? Knowing myself, I would apologize for something out of my control. I would be sincere in my apologies because

Come Alive!

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that.  Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."  ~Attributed to Howard Thurman Passion, this two syllabic word packs a powerful punch to the stagnate. Every day we interact with thousands of people and do you wonder if they are passionate about what they do in life? I'm sure when you are stuck in traffic you can tell who has passion. The actions that people convey can tell you a lot. Whether it's the guy cursing and gesturing his anger towards people or the other guy using the same bodily actions to sing and air guitar or drum to pass the time. How do we productively use our passions to allow us to positively come alive in this stuck-in-a-rut world.  I know that during the time of the Olympics we see tons of people from various countries gather together to show the world how passionate and dedicated they are to a healthy lifestyle, exerc