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Showing posts from 2014

1 Week Left to Live

A photograph, home movie, road trip, an email or text. What do these have in common? Usually these hold remarkable memories that help you bookmark important events with friends or loved ones. When we revisit these memories, we long for the days that these memories possess. We suspire for the chance to go back and relive that specific time or place. I had the chance to try this out with a very dear friend of mine. I went back through the memories and outlined the parts that meant something to me. I had the ability to not only sojourn these memories, but to explain to my friend why these particular memories meant so much. We called upon both the good and the uncomfortable and I had the blessing to be able to speak about how it impacted our friendship and how our lives are better for the events that brought elation as well as the aftermath of wading through some incommodious obstacles. I am confident to say that we have secured a new level of appreciation for each other after taking thi