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1 Week Left to Live

A photograph, home movie, road trip, an email or text. What do these have in common? Usually these hold remarkable memories that help you bookmark important events with friends or loved ones. When we revisit these memories, we long for the days that these memories possess. We suspire for the chance to go back and relive that specific time or place.

I had the chance to try this out with a very dear friend of mine. I went back through the memories and outlined the parts that meant something to me. I had the ability to not only sojourn these memories, but to explain to my friend why these particular memories meant so much. We called upon both the good and the uncomfortable and I had the blessing to be able to speak about how it impacted our friendship and how our lives are better for the events that brought elation as well as the aftermath of wading through some incommodious obstacles. I am confident to say that we have secured a new level of appreciation for each other after taking this trip. My dear friend put it this way, "This is a conversation most people wait to have until they get the news that they have 1 week left to live."

When I asked my friend that I wanted to talk, I doubt that they had in mind the conversation I was about to have with them. I had this drive that I needed to lay it all out. I needed to let them know that what has been a great journey has not gone unnoticed and is still to this day appreciated. While talking, I knew I had to do this with other people in my life. I realized that I go through life enjoying these memories, but rarely sharing them (along with how they have affected me) with the person I spent them with. I need to have more "1 week" talks while there is still (God willing) more life to live with my loved ones.

The best part about the talk I had was the time I had to dwell on it later that day. Everything was starting to sink in. Slowly, parts of our conversation started to sink into my mind and I could focus on reactions and specific statements made by my friend. It truly is a disentangling of emotions and a very tranquil feeling that envelops you.

My challenge is to continue this project. I do not plan to do this all in one week or in a very short amount of time. I want to put the full amount of effort that I know I am capable of employing. So if I ask you if we could talk one on one, you might want to buckle up and enjoy your time in the passenger seat, because we will be taking a cruise down memory lane.

Photography - The Starting Line


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