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There's A Love That Is Fiercer Than The Love Between Friends

I feel as though I've been away too long. I apologize for my absence, a lot has happened since my last post. I traveled to California to help out my grandma and be with my family during the adjustment of my grandfather's passing. It was amazing being able to be with family again. I can't remember the last time we all were gathered together like that. Coming from a man that doesn't get this often, it truly was one of those experiences that I will never let go of any time soon. I realized while I was out there, how much I miss them and being able to see them day to day. After my trip, the time change (and lack of sleep catching the red eye back) left me exhausted during the week, for once, I was sleepy instead of sleepless. I also would like to thank everyone for their kind words and condolences. Now we move forward, with a twinkle in my eye, a pep in my step, and carpel tunnel forming in my fingers, I continue to write on.

My dog has a sweet mustache even though she's female.
A day or two before my grandfather's passing I called my mom, sister, grandma, and grandpa while my grandfather was in the hospital and I delivered some news that would hopefully bring a smile to everyone's face despite the events that were currently taking place. I told my grandpa (along with everyone else) that my wife and I had just found out that we were going to be parents. No, my dog is not having puppies, even though some people were confused by the sign we posted on facebook. We found out, after trying for about 5 months that we were finally going to go through 9 agonizing months which, I hear, is the prelude to 18 teeth pulling, hair wrenching, years.(Or is it teeth wrenching and hair pulling?) Of course, I jest. In all seriousness, I am glad I was able to tell my grandfather before he passed.

 So you may want to know what I've been up to since finding out this information. Well, I've noticed I've been drinking more and cracking a lot of pregnancy jokes, all the while trying to see how many times I can make my wife cry. Man, I sound like a horrible person. Let me explain myself. I've been drinking more because I recently acquired some Captain Morgan Long Island juice, that is, I acquired it a week or so before we found out. Also, I like to party. Cracking jokes is how I cope with things or celebrate, in which I was doing both. Making my wife cry seemed like a cool trick until I felt like a jack ass doing it. I'm such a n00b husband...sigh.

Lately I've been more supportive and have been reading an amazing book my brother and sister-in-law picked out just for me. It's called, "What to Expect When Your Wife is Expanding" holy moley this book is right up my alley. It educates while jokes around about what to expect as a husband and eventually a father. It's really awesome. So, thanks Jason and Becky! So now serious mode sets in. I've come to realize I have to sell my art that is hanging in the guest room, re-paint, and ultimately get rid of my man cave. (Yes, I did take a swig of Captain Morgan juice as I wrote that).

As I think about all the changes that will be taking place, mostly how I have to buckle down and grow up more, I try to think of music that will encourage me to do so. After researching Blink-182, Train, Awolnation, My Chemical Romance, Coldplay, and other eclectic artists, I went back to my childhood. I had to think of something that I took to heart growing up. The song I chose really helps me focus on the man I want to be and also gives an uplifting message. P.S. It's not Bohemian Rhaspody.

This song along with a handful of others from this cd have always been locked away in a special place in my heart. I could've picked 3 other songs from this cd to help me out with the topic of this blog, but this one is the one I'm really feeling at the moment. Why? There are some things that, as the man of the household, I should be reminded of as I continue to lead this home to follow what we believe. The first thing is this:

There's more that rises in the morning
Than the sun
And more that shines in the night
Than just the moon
It's more than just this fire here
That keeps me warm
In a shelter that is larger
Than this room 

And there's a loyalty that's deeper
Than mere sentiments
And a music higher than the songs
That I can sing
The stuff of Earth competes
For the allegiance
I owe only to the giver
Of all good things

Although I have been blessed with so many things in life, I can't even compare any of my possessions or words to the love I have been given by God. When you take these images the songwriter portrays, you can't help but think that each scene he talks about helps us feel alive, or awakens a sense of accomplishment and safety. I know that as the head of my household, I try to find ways for us to cherish every moment, to live comfortably, and to love deeply. In all reality, we couldn't do any of these things without the grace and mercy of God. Instead of trying to give into the flesh and try to acquire more earthly possessions, I should focus my family and the thanks we owe for all the things we have been given. 

So if I stand let me stand on the promise
That you will pull me through
And if I can't, let me fall on the grace
That first brought me to You
And if I sing let me sing for the joy
That has born in me these songs
And if I weep let it be as a man
Who is longing for his home 

This chorus explains how I want to live if I find myself struggling. Let me stand on that promise that I will not be given more than I can handle. Or the promise that God will be by my side to help me through every obstacle that is placed in my way. I know I will stumble, everyone does, but God is always there to catch me when I am falling. For this, I will strive to direct my family to praise God from whom all blessings flow. I will strive to live with one goal in mind: to raise a Christian household so that God's word may be presented through our unwavering thoughts, words, and actions. 

There's more that dances on the prairies
Than the wind
More that pulses in the ocean
Than the tide
There's a love that is fiercer
Than the love between friends
More gentle than a mother's
When her baby's at her side

This love that is talked about is a love that everyone should have, especially as a husband and father. I know, I was joking before about the pregnancy and drinking more, and in all seriousness, I am so excited to see the love of a mother to her child, my child. To know that there is a love even greater than the mother's out there is almost unthinkable. The best part is, it's the same love that has been around since the beginning. Yet, it's hard to fathom when the songwriter talks about a love fiercer than the love between friends, and the image of it being more gentle when a baby is at its mother's side. This is a love I can never live up to, but a challenge I will definitely take on.

So you see reader, there comes a time in a man's life where he needs to start thinking of the future of the people he is in charge of. Although, all these things I've touched base on didn't just happen over night for me. I had a loving mother and father that took these same principles and instilled them into me. I've been honing this through my education and actions in God's word. I am definitely ready to take on the challenges ahead of me. The one thing I am definitely looking forward to, reader, is raising my child up in the loving message of God's word. To be able to share this song with my future child. Now, I know I can never ready myself for the dedication it takes to raise a child and that practice will come in about 7 months. If you see me weep, let it be as a man who is longing for his home. (probably a horrible spot to joke *again) 
If I may request one thing, reader, please encourage me along my journey. Also, I encourage you to man or woman up. Realize that there are people around you that look up to you no matter what position you hold in life. Show them that love that is fiercer and more gentle than anything they've ever known. Also, remember where all your blessings come from in life. Give thanks and praise where it is due. God's Blessings!


  1. I know I'm a new reader here, but sincerest condolences for your loss, my friend. That was a tough time for me too. However, congratulations on having a bun in the oven. That's fantastic!


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