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Showing posts from May, 2016

What is the trick to marriage?

The scene was set, the day had come. 8 months, 12 days, and 4 hours had gone into planning every last detail. A young man stood at the front of the church waiting to see his bride for the first time that day. The pre-service music filled the ornate church, the setting of the ceremony was being laid and it put everyone at ease. The young man took a moment to reflect on everything that brought him to this particular spot on this particular day. The "what ifs" and the tracing of the paths life took him on, which somehow crossed with her paths that lead to this day, put a smirk on his face. As the wedding party glided side by side down the aisle, he reflected on his parents and how he wished he could have their happiness that he grew up knowing. He focused on his friends and how happy they had been in their early stages of marriage. He was ready to have it all. As the final couple walked down the aisle, the ring bearer and flower girl trotted down to their positions momentar