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Showing posts from August, 2016


This is going to be one of those posts that doesn't really have any theme to it. I'm basically going to just ramble and whoever cares to read it, super. If no one does, it's therapy for me either way. Adjustments have been pretty hard to swallow since my wife being let go of her job. My 4 year old son calls at-home-days boring now since we can't afford to go out and do stuff that costs money. I guess the library, and Sea World (we get in free) get old after our weekly visits. I feel bad for my wife because she is 8 months pregnant and being on her feet all day just isn't something she can comfortably do. We spend our days at home and try to cope with the 100+ degree heat/humidity. When things get tough for me, I find that I revert back to things I enjoyed as a child. It varies each time, but it mostly switches back and forth from riding bikes, collecting Pokemon cards, reading Calvin and Hobbes, and Drawing. I gotta find a way to work playing the guitar back int