Whenever my Uncle Russell would visit us in Texas, he would bring us unique science-y toys. We received a chemistry set, rockets, a plasma ball, and a boomerang. The year he got me the boomerang, I remember traveling to a nearby park that had an open field off of the sidewalk. On the other side of this field was a line of trees that started a forested area. I would say the distance (in my young eyes) was miles from the sidewalk to the forested area, but in reality it was probably 30-50 yards apart. The goal of a boomerang is that if you throw it just right, it should come back to you. My first attempt was pretty horrible, mostly because I didn't know how to hold it. I'm pretty sure I threw it like a frisbee and the result is that it went 15 feet and died. Mind you, I was probably 9 years old. My uncle showed me how to properly hold the boomerang and then he threw it and magically it came ...