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Dancing in the Dark

     The view from the kitchen wouldn't suffice anymore. My view of the back yard was limited to a 1.5 foot by 4 foot window frame, and the screen wouldn't let my eyes focus correctly. After about 3 days of watching from this vantage point, I decided to go out and experience this phenomenon in the correct environment; I went outside.

       If you are really good you can predict where it will happen next, but just when you start to lose hope that nothing will happen, the glow happens and then as soon as the light started and your eyes focus in that direction, it decrescendos and you are left waiting again, staring at a mute backdrop. As I stand outside on the steps of my back porch, I fix my eyes at the muddied silhouettes of trees, fences, garages, and other shapes; I do my best trying not to focus so much on the shapes, because they are not the focal point to the show.

     There are many ways to describe what happens; for instance, some call it a dance; others, a song with it's own natural beat; and yet, still some call it a light show from fairies. I only know it to be magical.

      When I stare, I'm afraid to move or blink. My breathing stops, my heartbeat slows down. I feel like my presence has an effect on whether or not I will cause stage fright to those putting on the show. I can only assume that I make them feel comfortable, 30 feet to my right I see the first sign, the glow starts low and quickly moves up, kind of like a conductor raising his wand to get everyone's attention. The band gets the instructions and begin. The timing starts with the band 10 feet to the left, 40 feet back. 3 glow and fade, then 2 more follow suit, yet one keeps its light a little longer. (Maybe that one had a 1/2 note.) The light fades and the darkness surrounds the stage. The dancers get restless.

         Straight in front of me, 15 feet out, I see 2 green glows side by side with a 3rd that rushes from the opposite side going right for them. Just as they are about to collide, the glow dies. The band immediately clashes the cymbals with 4 lighting up one right after each other. A glow appears in my peripherals to the right. It's directly to my side maybe 3 feet away, my smile only grows, and I go towards it, like it's calling me over for a better view. Instantly, another light shoots across my nose going the opposite direction, like it is playing a game of chase, and as quickly as the light brightened, it fades back to black.

      I need to get back inside. The troupe quickens its pace as they become frenzied while the Almighty maker brings in rain and a thunderstorm to add to the orchestra.  I get back inside, and quickly glance back through the restricted view from the window. As I close the curtain on the show I can't help but realize all the parts of the performance. Presentation, redirection, choreography, the stagehands, and the magician, it's all magic set to the rhythm of nature, performing its best to an audience of one.


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