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Showing posts from July, 2011

Far From Home

About three years ago, I got in my car and traveled to a mysterious place called Waco, Nebraska. Trapped by a railroad and encompassed on three other sides by corn fields, it was a quiet area of Nebraska where neighbors knew each other, and Hunter's is a place that is always happening, especially their tractor tread (waffle) fries. As I entered there to begin my first year of teaching, I couldn't help but reiterate the words spoken by Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I looked at myself in the mirror and said, "I don't think I'm in California anymore." I was so far from home, in a strange environment where people wave to you as you pass them in your car, and watching the Huskers was their religion. I didn't know how to begin a life like this, I was lost. Home. Such a simple word that we take for granted, that is, until we realize we are out of our comfort zone. But what is home? Is it merely a place with four walls and a roof? A place to find shelter and live?

What You Are Looking For

Let me start by asking you a simple question. What are you looking for in life? In order to answer this question, you have to take a look at your wants and/or needs in life. For instance, right now, I am looking for a fridge because using two dorm fridges just doesn't quite add up to a regular sized fridge. Also, I am looking for a way to escape the humidity without central air conditioning. Another thing I am looking for is a cure to diabetes. In fact, if anyone has one, I will gladly use it because the cost of insulin just went up again. Sorry, I shouldn't be ranting, I should feel blessed there is a way to keep me alive. With these three examples, I have shown some of the things I am looking for in life. Granted there are many things in life we are looking for, but in today's song I will introduce that there is the answer to what we are looking for. Today's song comes from an artist by the name of Shawn Mcdonald. This artist has amazing guitar skills along with voc

Sing Like You Think No One's Listening

If you recognize the title of this post, and you know me, you would know that this is part of a song called, "Existentialism on Prom Night". This statement, although short, has a profound message not only to music, but also life. You see, when I am home alone, I love to blare my music and sing at the top of my lungs. When I was little, I would take long showers so that I could sing the song "Amazing Grace" over and over. I was alone and felt as though this was my time to shine. I forgot that people were around the house and at the top of my lungs and from the core of my heart I would start the first stanza, "Aaaamaaaaziiiyiiing Graaaaaaace........" you get the point. Whether it's in the shower; cleaning the house; driving in the car; or sitting here at the computer; singing, while alone, is always our best moment to shine because no one is judging or criticizing us for being a bit off on our pitch, or not knowing all the words. It's all about being