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What You Are Looking For

Let me start by asking you a simple question. What are you looking for in life? In order to answer this question, you have to take a look at your wants and/or needs in life. For instance, right now, I am looking for a fridge because using two dorm fridges just doesn't quite add up to a regular sized fridge. Also, I am looking for a way to escape the humidity without central air conditioning. Another thing I am looking for is a cure to diabetes. In fact, if anyone has one, I will gladly use it because the cost of insulin just went up again. Sorry, I shouldn't be ranting, I should feel blessed there is a way to keep me alive. With these three examples, I have shown some of the things I am looking for in life. Granted there are many things in life we are looking for, but in today's song I will introduce that there is the answer to what we are looking for.

Today's song comes from an artist by the name of Shawn Mcdonald. This artist has amazing guitar skills along with vocal talent. This song especially speaks to me because of the fact that I am a dreamer. I love looking forward to things (sometimes blown out of proportion in my a good way). At the same time, I also use the "what if" scenario. For instance, what if I never went to MLC. What if I stayed in California instead. Would I have still met my brother from another mother? Would I have still met my wife? The what ifs in turn take on the snowball effect and grow to an enormous state. So big, in fact, that this simple two word question can become astronomical. My point, reader will be introduced to you in a song called "Have You Ever" by Shawn Mcdonald.

Before I get into the lyrics, the guitar needs special mention. I have played this song at two different weddings, and whenever I get the chance I sit back, close my eyes, and let my fingers delicately play with passion. (For those that are wondering how to play it, I will post a link to the tab at the end.) With this being said, I can't wait to get into the lyrics. Shawn first uses questions that can be related to all people. Everyone one of us has asked ourselves these questions and in one statement he sums up the answer at the end. Let's start with the first stanza of questions.

Verse 1
Have you ever wanted to be someone else
Have you ever wanted just to be someone
Have you ever wanted to reach your dreams
Have you ever wanted life to be more than it seems

How did you answer each line of questions? My answers went as follows. 1. Yes 2. Yes 3. Yes 4. Yes. Each question can easily be reflective of a certain time in your life. Don't we all have thoughts of being something better than what we think we are? Whether it's better at music, art, sports, social connectivity, etc. Just those thoughts cover the first two questions posed by the writer of these verses.
Next, have you wanted to reach your dreams? Don't we all strive for this? My ultimate dream is to be able to reach one person. No, not physically, but in an emotional/spiritual/almost life altering way. I dream to one day make such a positive impact in someone's life that whatever I teach them (speaking positively, of course) they use their "education" at least one day in their life.
The last question of the first stanza is one of those loaded questions. From an earthly point of view, yes. Yes, I wish I didn't have to live paycheck to paycheck, I wish my car would stop falling apart, I wish I lived in the city, I wish, I wish, I wish...In this earthly state of mind, life will never be what it should seem to be. But when I think spiritually, no way dude. I'll follow up on this later.

Verse 2
Have you ever wanted to reach up and touch the sky
Have you ever wanted to pack it up and say good-bye
Have you ever wanted someone to care
Have you ever wanted someone to be there

I am going to key into two parts of this verse. The first is packing it up and saying goodbye. For some reason my mind focuses on giving up. Kind of like a drifter living out of their suitcase going from job to job. Knowing that there is a way out, which is, essentially quitting. Not being fired, but going out on their own terms. I am forcing myself now to change my perspective due to the fact that in a world of negative connotations, we need positive thinking to forge the way. If I look at it in a positive way, I think of myself going from California to Minnesota to embark in a ritual of young adults which is going to College. I packed my things up, said goodbye to family and friends, moved on into a world that I wasn't accustomed to. By doing this, I needed people who cared for me.
Wanting someone to be there for you is vital in a true relationship. I've had many great, loyal, trustworthy friends. I can spout many instances when I needed someone and at the drop of a dime, they were there. They put a hold on their life to take care of mine. We always are looking for someone to be there. Once again, I reference Facebook with cries for help. Let me tell you, you cry too much, people will leave. There are times when we need to put on our big boy/girl pants and face situations alone. In times of true need, though, friends become family. Friends(and Family) of mine, thank you for being there for me. Thank you for taking time out of your life to care for mine. I know we can all think of friends and family who have been there, maybe even complete strangers. I want you, reader, to take some time and really thank those who have been there for you. Thank them. Encouraging words go a long way, and in a way pay it forward. Keep the chain unbroken, follow the great examples that your friends have shown you.

Now time for the exciting conclusion, the answer you have so longingly awaited. How can we solve the questions set before us. In the beginning of this post I asked you. "What are you looking for?" Now let me switch it up for you. I will tell you right now, what you are really looking for. In the final stages of this song Shawn Mcdonald reveals it:

What you're looking for
Is my sweet, sweet Jesus
What you're looking for
Is my sweet Lord

There it is plain and simple.As I stated before, if you live in the earthly elements of this life you will always be longing for that last satisfying drop of water. Your thirst for greatness, for a perfect life will never be quenched. You will never acquire enough money, have enough stuff, be the coolest, always have someone there for you. Spiritually, we have everything. We have eternal life through our loving Savior, we are promised protection from all evil, we are blessed and given everything that we need, we have God. When thinking about earthly things, I stress out...a lot! I get no comfort, no satisfaction. Through God, I have everything. I feel complete, comforted, and whole. Who can ask for more?!  As our song of the day puts it:

I have tasted of a love so wide
That it stops all my time
I have tasted of a love so deep
That it blows my mind

I asked you to thank your family and friends for being there. Let me say (as well as you), thank you Lord for loving me and being there for me in my every want and desire. Thank you for giving me every blessing, and not giving me more than I can handle. I hope, and pray, that I can return that with all my being. You are what I am looking for, and, thankfully, you have revealed yourself to me.

(Remember to Right Click and Open New Tab)
Have You Ever Tab
Have You Ever Song


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