Today is a day of rejoicing. Why? Today I have thrice over become an uncle. My sister-in-law has given birth to Kasen Jae Watson. The pretty awesome thing about this birth is that his birthday will forever be 11/1/11. I’m kinda jealous. On such an occasion, I Figure I can give him and my other two nephews some words of advice as they continue to grow up in this world.
First off, Ayden. You, Ayden, being the oldest of the three, has the awesome duty of being an example to your younger brothers. You see, a lot of people find pressure or even a lack of motivation for taking such an important role. You, on the other hand, I know can handle such a challenge. You see, all you have to do is take God’s sound word and apply it in your life. Once you figure out that’s all you have to do, setting an example for others should come naturally. I like to compare it to an involuntary muscle. You know it’s there but it performs on its own.
At the same time, you are the oldest and so who are you supposed to follow as an example? I guess you could always look up to Shannon, but she locks herself in her room. Don’t do that. You must look up to other Christians who follow what God says in his true, pure word. This can be a little more difficult in life seeing as you will be faced with a lot of new trials that you haven’t had the ability to see someone else experience before. I encourage you though to stand strong, being absolutely unwavering in your faith.
Your parents have been placed in your life as a blessing not a burden. Follow their guidance because they only want the best for you. They have/are doing their absolute best to allow for you to live a comfortable life so that you can grow up with some luxuries that others may not have, be thankful.
To the second nephew, Jaron. Keep your light-hearted attitude. Being stress free allows for a relaxed attitude that others will feed off of. Help out your older and younger brother when they seem to be unsure of what their role in life is. You have a unique position as the second born, trust me. You will be the bridge between older and younger brother. You are the right age for Ayden and Kasen to be able to interact with. Through you, you will bring the two closer together if they feel one is too old or too young to be with the other.
Being, the second born, you have it easier than the first. You can learn from his mistakes, and follow his Christian example to do what is right. Kasen will be looking at you for the same thing. Your parents probably won’t be as hard on you, but don’t worry, they won’t be as hard on Kasen as they are on you, it’s just how it is. Continually show love either way to both of your brothers. They will often need it.
Kasen, the third and newest nephew. First of all, Happy Birthday! I’m so excited to meet you one of these days. Being the last of the bunch, and the recipient of all things handed down, be patient with everything. Your brothers will reach milestones before you, but don’t worry, you will get there eventually. Follow the Christian example that they will set. Perfect all mistakes taken by them and, by doing so, you will make your parents truly happy. IF you need any help, your brothers will be there to protect you and through their experiences, should be able to give you sage advice. Listen to their advice. Also, get ready to woo the ladies. You are a Watson, so wear the name with pride. If you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and possibly alone because your older brothers seem too old for you, don’t worry, they are concerned and will drop everything to help you. The great thing about being a Watson, and something I even pride myself on, is the fact that we stick together. We carry each other when we feel like we can’t go on and we learn to laugh through everything.
To all of you, remember who you are and where you come from. You are, first and foremost, brothers (family if you will). Be kind and compassionate to each other because if you do something bad to one of them, remember, they know where you sleep. Remember that you are Christians. We uphold a firm belief to love each other just as Christ loved us and gave himself for us. Treat each other in such a way. Forgive easily and love each other unconditionally. I don’t care if he took your toy either.
I love you all and definitely look forward to seeing you grow. Also, I hope that one day you get to read this and hopefully my words will be a broken record because you have already been doing all that I request. This song is for you. (I know, it’s a coincidence that the kid’s name is Aiden.)
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