Each year I sit down with my students and we look at the gifts God has given us. Why do I do this? I like to drive home some important points. Each of us is a special creation. God has given us certain abilities that another may not have. For instance, God has given person A an ability to share God's word or encourage person B through their unique abilities. By practicing their gifts, I let the students know that they will have shown their thanks to God by using it to do God's will. When the students realize that they are unique with their gifts, we realize that God really does have a special purpose for us in our life. Of course, you can't teach something about God without backing it up with his word so we can see specifically where he calls us to use our gifts. The apostle Peter said, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one ...