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If You're Strong Enough and You Don't Give Up

Each year I sit down with my students and we look at the gifts God has given us. Why do I do this? I like to drive home some important points. Each of us is a special creation. God has given us certain abilities that another may not have. For instance, God has given person A an ability to share God's word or encourage  person B through their unique abilities. By practicing their gifts, I let the students know that they will have shown their thanks to God by using it to do God's will. When the students realize that they are unique with their gifts, we realize that God really does have a special purpose for us in our life. Of course, you can't teach something about God without backing it up with his word so we can see specifically where he calls us to use our gifts.

The apostle Peter said, "Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in various forms. If anyone speaks, he should do it as one speaking the very words of God. If anyone serves he should do it with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ. To him be the glory and the power forever and ever. Amen." (1 Peter 4:10-11)

Let me bring to light some things mentioned in these verses. Peter said that every person (not just one) should use whatever gift he(or she) has to serve others. This means that God has granted a multitude of gifts to many people. To prove my point, look at the different athletes out there, look at the different types of art, poetry, literature, corporate jobs... the list is continuous. I remember when I was a kid, I liked to draw. In fact, it was my older brother who really started my infatuation with it. I saw him drawing a cartoon poster for a super bowl contest and it was really good. I wanted to be like him with his skill. So I started tracing, then when I became good enough, I went to sketching by sight. Years of practice with shading, colors, and different subjects led me to the artist I am today. I found out that from tracing (or even crude coloring if you want to go way back in my past) I can now use mediums like pencil, charcoal, pen, paint, spray paint, and even branching out to photography. Look where I started and where I am at now. But how do I faithfully administer God's grace through the different forms of art? I've been asked by 3 different people looking for a Christian artist for t-shirt companies (they all fell through unfortunately), I've designed shirts for schools, painted murals depicting God's grace, designed Christian tattoos, created wedding bulletins, and I have even used my art to talk to people about what I believe. Now, I'm not boasting in my abilities, I'm providing you with an example of what your specific gift can do for you if you listen to Peter.

Peter continues to say that we should use our gifts faithfully to administer God's grace. Another gift I thank God for is the ability to play guitar. I know my limitations with my voice, or drums and so I leave that to the better trained, but I've had many great memories playing guitar for groups of people. I've played solo, in bands, and whatever is between that. When asked to play for a group of people, you usually don't shrug it off until an hour or so before the performance. Usually you practice your music faithfully so that by the time you perform it, you play everything correctly and with as much passion as you can muster up. This is one of the best ways of depicting the gifts God has given you. If you never practice your gift to really know it and use it with all the passion God grants you, when it comes time to praise God using that gift, it may not be as well done as it can be. We should use the gifts God gives us faithfully, that is, completely devoting our lives to making it a permanent part of our every day life. When you practice your gifts faithfully, when the time comes to share it with someone else, you will be confident in the message you are passing on to them about your Savior. Remember, don't become complacent in your practicing, there is always room for improvement.

Before I said I was not trying to boast about the things that I can do, in fact, I was boasting about God and what he has granted me. (Remember Ephesians 2:8-10) So reader, how can you praise God in the gifts he has given you? Has he granted you the ability to socialize? The ability to use the arts? What hobbies do you have? What do you really enjoy doing? Now, how can you use it to praise God? It's surprising how easy it actually is to include your Savior and the praise he deserves through your gifts. When you realize these things, don't keep them to yourself. Serve others. Whether it's a neighbor, friend, family member, or a church, praise your God in all he has done for you. Don't let an ounce of that praise be focused on yourself because without God you would never have it. Don't wait for tomorrow to use it, it will never let you down when you use it in God's name. So, reader, what gifts await you in your life and how are you going to use it to praise your father in Heaven?

The thought of this blog was brought on by Glen Hansard. Listen to his song This Gift by Glen Hansard (This song is so new there aren't lyrics online for it yet)


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