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There's A Storm and It's A Raging

I've decided to continue using Glen Hansard's music to talk about how we can use what's given to us to prepare for the storms in life (this part 2 of 3). Last time I talked about the gifts God gives us to either talk about God to someone, encourage other Christians, and how we can praise God by using the gifts he has given to us. In life we know that our time on earth isn't going to be an easy one. In fact, as Mr. Hansard puts it, "Get ready for the storm, it's coming. Yeah, it's coming."

Glen Hansard - The Storm, It's Coming

Ever since the fall of man back in the early days of the earth, sin has been a constant struggle for any and every human. We go through life facing certain challenges that may shake us off our foundations. Most of the time these challenges come unnoticed and then they hit us right where it hurts. These challenges don't just shake the person it hits either, usually other people are shaken up as well. How do we prepare for such things? What do we do when we are exposed in our weakness as human beings?! How can we come out saying everything will be fine or all right?

Wherever you may have lived, I'm sure that part of the earth contains unique weather or earthly devastation. Whether your area is prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, tsunamis, earth quakes, blizzards, drought, or volcanoes, I'm sure you know the survival techniques it takes to prepare for such powerful occurrences. One thing is for sure, we know that eventually the storm is going to hit. There is no stopping it. I can't stand in front of an F5 tornado, blow a whistle and hold out my hand telling it stop. I will get seriously hurt or killed if I do so. So what do we as humans do? We set up ways of warning others, we look out for the signs of such a storm, and when it hits, we take certain precautions so that we survive, no matter what kind of devastation there may be after the storm is over. The point I'm trying to make is that we make sure that everyone around us is safe and that we, too, come out unhinged from our foundations.

When storms arise in our lives, whether we are warned or not, how do we make it out alive? In the last post I had I talked about how we definitely need the encouragement of others, as well as the gifts God has given us. When I need to express my feelings so that they don't bottle up, I turn to those gifts in which I have been so richly blessed. I caution you to be careful though during these times. When the storm comes and passes, usually we are at our weakest. We questions things we normally wouldn't or we turn to destructive vices. For me, it's easy to sit and think. I'm not saying that sitting and thinking is a bad thing, but when you pass a certain point, then you shut up inside and don't talk to anyone about it. The kind of sitting and thinking we should do is according to what Proverbs 14:29 says, "A patient man has great understanding, but a quick-tempered man displays folly."

When you are patient through your storms, listen to God's word, and see the options presented to you, the devastation of the storm doesn't seem as insurmountable as others may see it. Without a positive outlook in these situations we will never make it out. I'm not saying, though, that these tragedies are easy to get through. Not at all, they are definitely tests of our faith. You've seen my struggles through some of the posts I have made. You have your own struggles. Think of what some people have to go through with this life. Some are born into broken families, others are born into famine and disease, while others have everything ripped away from them. Not everyone goes through the same type of troubles, but every single one is a test of faith. Remember, a patient man has great understanding. This is a person who is patient and puts all their faith and trust in God. In the end, it will be revealed to them as to why they had to endure certain storms.

Some storms last longer than others. I have had personal storms last for a couple minutes (whether it's an argument or personal struggle) to 10 1/2 years. Some people have had storms rage on and off. One thing is for sure, they will never let up. The great thing is that the Lord never does either. He says (and promises) that he will be with us to the very end of the age. He will be by our side until the end of our life or the end of the world. What an amazing promise! Only when I have doubted the Lord's promise, did my storms seem unpredictable and impossible. When I decide to let go of everything going on and give it over to the Lord, did I see the sun through the clouds. Did the storms always disappear instantaneously? No. But, I knew that there would be an end, the Lord would walk with me through it, and that my faith would be stronger for it.

There's doubt in every face
And there's a liar on the stage
And what good is it
If you don't hear him say of believing

Glen has it down in this verse. When you hear of the gloom and how "sucky" everyone has it in life, what good is it to keep listening to that message when there is no hope. When we hear of a promise of a way out of the gloom that is our sin, we can't help but feel elated, or joyfully emotional. 2 Corinthians 1:20-22, "For no matter how many promises God has made, they are "Yes" in Christ. And so through him the "Amen" is spoken by us to the glory of God. Now it is God who makes both us and your stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come." Through the promises God makes to us, we need to remember these and be patient in times of suffering. James 5:10-11 "Brothers, as an example of patience in the face of suffering, take the prophets who spoke in the name of the Lord. As you know, we consider blessed those who have persevered. You have heard of Job's perseverance and have seen what the Lord finally brought about. The Lord is full of compassion and mercy."

Reader, the storms are out there, they will come and they may bring destruction or pain, but are you prepared to survive them? Do you know where to go for help?

There's a storm and it's a raging
In the belly of the slaving
It's coming, it's coming
It's coming, it's coming

And when the wind howls at your gate
Already it is too late
It's coming, it's coming

Lyrics for "The Storm, It's A Raging" by Glen Hansard

Naked from the fee
From the decade of the bees
On a new road
With no true know that see it

There's doubt in every face
And there's a liar on the stage
And what good is it
If you don't hear him say of believing

Every clap brings out a warning
Get ready for the storm, it's coming
Yeah, it's coming

So slap back in the face
For a city county race
And the coin drops in the box
Don't change the meter

There's a storm and it's a raging
In the belly of the slaving
It's coming, it's coming
It's coming, it's coming

And when the wind howls at your gate
Already it is too late
It's coming, it's coming


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