This is my first video post ever for this blog. I hope you enjoy the thoughts that I have on our vocation in this life. I usually have time to methodically plot out my thoughts via text, but I decided to take a chance and talk to myself on the computer. I had to break up the video into two parts due to it's length. The video is a total of about 21 minutes. If you can't listen to it all at once, that's okay. This is your one time that you will be able to pause me mid sentence and walk away if you want. Once again, I hope you enjoy the new scenery, because you have to stare at my face for this. mwuahahahaha. Here it is: To Be or Not To Be?
Let me start by asking you a simple question. What are you looking for in life? In order to answer this question, you have to take a look at your wants and/or needs in life. For instance, right now, I am looking for a fridge because using two dorm fridges just doesn't quite add up to a regular sized fridge. Also, I am looking for a way to escape the humidity without central air conditioning. Another thing I am looking for is a cure to diabetes. In fact, if anyone has one, I will gladly use it because the cost of insulin just went up again. Sorry, I shouldn't be ranting, I should feel blessed there is a way to keep me alive. With these three examples, I have shown some of the things I am looking for in life. Granted there are many things in life we are looking for, but in today's song I will introduce that there is the answer to what we are looking for. Today's song comes from an artist by the name of Shawn Mcdonald. This artist has amazing guitar skills along with voc...
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