Have you ever had an experience in life that left you wondering what ever happened to the other person involved? Maybe it's a relationship, a friendship, a family member, or maybe even someone you had just met for a brief amount of time. Sometimes we remember them through the feelings we held for them, but were never outwardly expressed. Maybe there was something left unsaid that you wish you could go back and say it, or maybe you wish you could tell them right here, right now the thoughts you've held on to this whole time. Whatever it may be, I think a majority of us wish we could go back. There are times I wish I could go back and save a friendship from going down the tubes, or maybe try out certain friendships instead of putting that person aside. (I know we aren't supposed to dwell on the past because there is nothing we can do about it, but in reality there is. We can learn from it. These regrets we may carry around can help us shape the person who we are today.) No ...