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The Firework Over the Freeway

        When it comes to summertime do you like to plan out what you want to do with the time of the year where warm weather abounds and laid back activities are as numerous as little girls at a Justin Bieber concert? I know I like to start making some key choices towards the end of spring as to what my summer song will be, the beer of choice for summer hang outs, and how much lighter fluid does it really take to make a 2 story flame from my BBQ. I have an idea of what activities I would like to do before the summertime slips away. Some of these activities are: golfing, mountain biking, camping, having bonfires, getting my sandal tan, and sweating off the pounds in the Midwestern humidity. In fact, right now I sit in a humid room with a single clip fan blowing warm air on me while I drink my diet coke from a refrigerated glass bottle (the best way to drink any carbonated drink)

       Now, I mentioned that I usually choose some things in the spring like my summer song, beer of choice, and what to BBQ. Let me start by answering that list backwards. If it can be cooked, it can be grilled. I think I grill about 3-4 times a week. It's really the only way to eat in the summer time. The beer of choice last summer was Landshark, this year I am leaning towards Leinenkugel's Sunset Wheat. Now while I'm sitting outside with a clear blue sky and summer breeze; I like to sit back and listen to music as the BBQ is sizzling while I'm sitting down with a beer in hand. This year I'm feeling Something Corporate's "Walking By" as my summer song, and there are many reasons as to why I chose this song.

      Summer is the time for warm memories, summer flings, and adventures. The song "Walking By" has all of this. The song is about warm memories of a boy who tries his hardest to be noticed by another girl. As this boy wonders what is going on he asks questions as to why she just walks by him. A pretty neat story that most people can relate to. One of the key parts that really makes it my summer song are the strings in the background.

      Whenever I hear the piano mixed with the strings I think of my time spent in both Waco, NE and Fremont, WI. I picture the fields full of either wheat, hay, or corn. I picture myself walking down the long stretch of road just as the sun is setting and the colors in the sky start to change from a brilliant blue to a pronounced purple. I feel the warmth in the air and the fireflies flickering about showing themselves in different places each time. It's one of those events in life where time stands still, you are so alive in that moment even though nothing is really going on. It's feeling that tranquil spirit among nature, breathing it in, somehow being apart of it while knowing millions of other people are in the hustle and bustle of life.

      The next thing that makes this song especially right for me this summer is the one line that is absolutely perfect. "These nights I get high just from breathing.When I lie here with you I'm sure that I'm real, like that firework over the freeway." The nights that I think of are the nights I'm with friends around a bonfire, playing guitar, singing, and watching the stars multiply as the night waxes and wanes. I also think of the nights that I am blessed to have with my wife. The walks down the long country road that we take with our dog. Or the times we spend fishing, or just sitting outside in the hammock enjoying the company of each other. Those are the nights I feel alive. There was actually a night I vividly remember that fit the aforementioned phrase. My wife and I were driving back from a wedding. We were still alive in the spirit of the wedding when our late night excursion took place. We had a good 2 hours to get back home and when we were sitting in silence enjoying the music and our love for each other, we saw a firework go off over the freeway we were driving on. It actually happened to explode in the air above the town my wife was born. I remember thinking of this line and how just breathing (being alive in that moment) was giving me a supreme state of happiness. I'll never forget that memory. 

     So what makes your summer a unique experience for you? Although my summer song has a bit of a sad story to it, it really means much more to me through my life's adventures. This summer, create the kinds of memories that will last a lifetime. Give yourself something to not only look back on, but to look forward to doing again in the future. Give yourself those moments where you get high just from breathing. Instances where you realize it's not a dream, it's real. Have a great summer and remember to drink responsibly.

"Walking By" - Something Corporate


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