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Falling Slowly, Sing Your Melody, I'll Sing It Loud

First impressions, man can they be tough, yet rewarding if it turns out well. Of course, when it comes to the opposite sex, first impressions are very important. I remember my first encounter with a girl that actually thought I was cute. Let me paint you the picture. The setting, a romantic sunny, summer day in Rowlett, Texas. The place, the local YMCA pool. Yes, reader, you can already tell it's going to be classy. I was probably in 5th or 6th grade at the time, and we would always go to the pool to cool off from the hot, Texas, summer. I remember this particular day for two reasons; the first is that I jumped in the pool with a newly made mix tape that I had spent all day sitting at the stereo waiting for the radio to play my favorite songs. Luckily I realized it right away and jumped out so that it could dry. The second reason is because there was a particularly pretty girl at the pool. I tried to play my cool by not really staring, although the casual glance was needed to show some interest, and of course, I would show her my best dives off the diving board, this was especially critical for romancing due to the fact I had just finished diving classes. Something must have gone right because eventually she swam toward me and introduced herself. I was so stunned; this had never worked before! Reader, you are probably wondering what I said back, well let me tell you, it sealed the deal. I opened my mouth and said (without even introducing myself) "I have glasses." I'll let that sink in for a moment ....................................................What a doofus I was! The only deal I had sealed was my staying single, not even hoping for an afternoon girlfriend. Who says that?! Well, I guess I did. To this day, I have no idea why I said what I had said. I guess it was to show the real me. If she could stand someone who wears glasses, then she could have me as her boyfriend. Apparently there were other fish in the pool, because after I said that she turned around and swam away. Ahhh first impressions.

One more great first impression and then I'll carry on. It was my 5th year in college and I was in the final week before graduation. Apparently as the 5th year president I had to give quite a bit of speeches to graduates and faculty. At the final banquet I was asked to sit at the head table because I had to read off the list of graduates. I sat next to this guy I had never seen before so I struck up a conversation with him. He was a pleasant conversationalist and eventually I asked him what he did. I mean, I knew he was a pastor of sorts, but didn't know where. He looks and me with a shocked face that I didn't know him. You have to remember, reader, I have been a couple different denominations and I come from California, away from the whole Midwest scene where everyone knows you and your cousin and your cousin's cousin. After my dinner partner swallowed his food, he kinda laughed and saids, "I'm the President of the synod." Holy wow reader, I was among WELS royalty and made a complete idiot of myself. I wanted to escape so bad. There was no recovering from this. In fact, my first impression made such an impact he not only used me the poster child for his speech about humility that night in front of all my classmates, but I hear he used it again the following years.

First impressions, they can be awkward, funny, memorable, regrettable, life-changing. This is what our theme is for the night. No matter how hard you try to make a first impression, it's all about how the other person takes it and reacts to it. The song I have chosen even shows that in the movie it was featured on. The song is "Falling Slowly" off of the movie "Once" by Glen Hansard and Marketa Irglova.

I don't know you
But I want you
All the more for that
Words fall through me
And always fool me
And I can't react

And games that never amount
To more than they're meant
Will play themselves out

The reason why we want to make a great first impression is so that people can see us for who we are and hopefully they will like us so much that we can find out more about them. When you can't seem to get the right words together to show them who you are, you feel stupid and hope that they give you a second chance. You see, it's just as Glen puts it, these really are games of give and take. If you keep trying to play the game with someone, that is, constantly try to make a first impression with them, they may give up on you. At the same time, should we put so much hype on that first impression? When it comes to someone you may like and want to get to know better, yes, of course you want the first impression to go well, no matter how many times you may fail trying to make the right "first" impression.

Take this sinking boat and point it home
We've still got time
Raise your hopeful voice you have a choice
You'll make it now

The sinking boat represents the times we feel like idiots when our words or impressions fail the first time. Your time is fading with that person to really lure them into sharing who they are with you, it's a sinking boat, in seconds, minutes, or hours it may go down but you have the hope that the other person takes your initial try and pulls you to shore so that you can be safe with them, getting to know each other better.

Falling slowly, eyes that know me
And I can't go back
Moods that take me and erase me
And I'm painted black
You have suffered enough
And warred with yourself
It's time that you won

Isn't it a great feeling when you finally have the attention of the person you like? They may be oblivious, but you can't help but swoon when you are in their presence. When you do have their attention, how precious is it to you? Do you take your time with them for granted?

You've made it now
Falling slowly sing your melody
I'll sing it loud

When you do find the attention of someone you are truly interested in, it's okay to be excited and tell everyone about it. You may even find that the other person is singing the same thing as you. You never know, though, until you give it a shot. I've shared with you some pretty horrible first impressions. I hope you laughed at them. Embarrassing as they were at the time, they were totally worth it. I actually got to know the President of our WELS synod a little better because he realized how badly my boat was going down when I found out who he was. If I wouldn't have had those crash and burn first impressions, I wouldn't have anything interesting to say to someone else for a first impression. In fact, this may be your first impression of me. If so, I hope you enjoyed it.

Reader, go out and make that first impression with that person you have been trying to make a first impression with. Or, if there isn't anyone like that (which I highly doubt), go and tell others of the first impression they had on you. I bet that'll spark some great memories. Either way, you never know until you try. You could even make someone's day brighter by doing so.


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