(Note: I will be posting random songs by Andrew McMahon, feel free to listen whenever, I may blog about specific ones later)
Walking By by Something Corporate
This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to see my favorite performer pour his soul into his music. I've had the incredible opportunity to meet Andrew McMahon on two separate opportunities. The first was a year ago, and the second two days ago. The first time I met him was when he had the Something Corporate Reunion Tour and then recently as Jack's Mannequin.
As you have read before in the post about the song "Swim", I consider this musical genius to be a pretty huge inspiration to me. This guy, from the two times I've met him, read his blogs, and the fact that he makes sure to meet his fans, is a really awesome guy to have as the inspiration that he is to me. The first time I met him I actually had the chance to tell him how much he is such an inspiration to me. Figuring that he would just say, "Thanks" or something along those lines, he surprised me. He looked at me and asked me what I did. Scrambling for more words, I told him I loved art. He continued, "Yeah, what do you do?" Was I really having a conversation with my "idol"?! I stammered on, my heart was beating so fast from adrenaline, "I sketch, spray paint, dabble in photography, play guitar, and bass, design tattoos, pretty much anything that can make some sort of color." I could've talked to him for ever. I introduced my wife to him, he gave her a kiss on the cheek, and we took a picture with him. Not expecting this from him at all, I left with a huge smile on my face. This guy was so awesome to take time to actually care about who I was and what I did.
A couple days ago, when I met Andrew (we're on a first name basis now) I was trying to figure out what I was going to say this time around. It was his birthday, so I knew I was going to say Happy Birthday, but then what? He came out to meet his loyal fans and since it was his birthday (and his wife had flown in that night for it) I kept it short. I didn't get to say what I wanted to, but I didn't want to keep him. I told him Happy Birthday and said that it was awesome his wife came all the way to see him. I told him I knew how important it was that he had this time for he and his wife to celebrate (all the while putting my arm around my wife). He appreciated that and said thank you, signed a t-shirt, took a picture, and as I walked away, said, "God's Blessings!" Thinking he would keep talking to our friends in back of us, he actually turned around and said, "Good things to you too!" Once again, not expecting a reply, he left me leaving in such awe about how he could be such an awesome, down to earth, guy.
Wait by Something Corporate
What was I going to say to him originally two nights ago? First off, let me tell you that on my bucket list, even if it may never come true, is to sit down and actually have a 5-10 minute conversation with Andrew (Longer would be a pipe dream, but an amazing one at that). What I really wanted to say to Andrew comes out of a certain context that I fell upon days before going to this concert. People and Things Trailer by Jack's Mannequin He said that a lot of people said that he was an inspiration. This kind of put a weird feeling in my gut. I didn't want to be placed with all those people. I wanted him to know why he is such an inspiration, not only to me, but to other people.
You see, reader, Andrew definitely has a gift. I'm sure you've either heard it through his music, seen his amazing piano skills live, read some of his awesome writing, or have been with him (not personally, but through thoughts and prayers) during his stint with Leukemia. What I wanted to tell him is that he is an inspiration to many because he fills in words, where words fail others. In his music, you feel the passion come alive through the hammers and strings. When I was a teenager, I used his lyrics to attempt to be romantic, I sang aloud, at other times to replace the hurt I felt. The reason I always say it's 11:11 is from his song called "Konstantine", the one song that is still chanted at his concerts even though he is no longer with Something Corporate. You see, reader, when you listen to music, you judge it right away. Music is either good or bad. When I listen to Andrew's music, neither one of those categories come into play. Every time I listen, I see how it moves me, mainly because that's what his music does. This is probably the only musician that has spoken to me through music so many different times, in so many different ways. (11:11 P.M.) When Something Corporate disbanded, I was crushed, when I heard news of his being sick, I was crushed. When Jack's Mannequin came along, I was resurrected.
You know, reader, that I am sick. I have a disease that has no cure. I related with the music of Jack's Mannequin. The hope that, just like Andrew, a cure comes along and I can sing, draw, or write about my obstacles and overcoming them, grows every time I listen to his music. I look forward to hearing about his new album that deals with (as he said) life. I want to know what it would be like to live without the worry of sickness. To be able to move on without having those chains and weights weighing you down. This, reader, is why he is an inspiration to me. This is what I wanted to relay to him that night, which would've taken longer that just a quick "hello." I don't want to be grouped with those stupid teenage fans that just swoon over this guy because he is famous. I want to explain who I am and how he has affected me for the past 11 years of my life. I'll probably never get that bucket list item crossed off, but maybe, one day, I can follow up to this post and let you know how that conversation went. In the mean time, I will continue following him and his band, listening to his music, and allow myself to be swept away in the music.
The Resolution by Jack's MannequinThe Resolution by Jack's Mannequin
Walking By by Something Corporate
This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to see my favorite performer pour his soul into his music. I've had the incredible opportunity to meet Andrew McMahon on two separate opportunities. The first was a year ago, and the second two days ago. The first time I met him was when he had the Something Corporate Reunion Tour and then recently as Jack's Mannequin.
As you have read before in the post about the song "Swim", I consider this musical genius to be a pretty huge inspiration to me. This guy, from the two times I've met him, read his blogs, and the fact that he makes sure to meet his fans, is a really awesome guy to have as the inspiration that he is to me. The first time I met him I actually had the chance to tell him how much he is such an inspiration to me. Figuring that he would just say, "Thanks" or something along those lines, he surprised me. He looked at me and asked me what I did. Scrambling for more words, I told him I loved art. He continued, "Yeah, what do you do?" Was I really having a conversation with my "idol"?! I stammered on, my heart was beating so fast from adrenaline, "I sketch, spray paint, dabble in photography, play guitar, and bass, design tattoos, pretty much anything that can make some sort of color." I could've talked to him for ever. I introduced my wife to him, he gave her a kiss on the cheek, and we took a picture with him. Not expecting this from him at all, I left with a huge smile on my face. This guy was so awesome to take time to actually care about who I was and what I did.
A couple days ago, when I met Andrew (we're on a first name basis now) I was trying to figure out what I was going to say this time around. It was his birthday, so I knew I was going to say Happy Birthday, but then what? He came out to meet his loyal fans and since it was his birthday (and his wife had flown in that night for it) I kept it short. I didn't get to say what I wanted to, but I didn't want to keep him. I told him Happy Birthday and said that it was awesome his wife came all the way to see him. I told him I knew how important it was that he had this time for he and his wife to celebrate (all the while putting my arm around my wife). He appreciated that and said thank you, signed a t-shirt, took a picture, and as I walked away, said, "God's Blessings!" Thinking he would keep talking to our friends in back of us, he actually turned around and said, "Good things to you too!" Once again, not expecting a reply, he left me leaving in such awe about how he could be such an awesome, down to earth, guy.
Wait by Something Corporate
What was I going to say to him originally two nights ago? First off, let me tell you that on my bucket list, even if it may never come true, is to sit down and actually have a 5-10 minute conversation with Andrew (Longer would be a pipe dream, but an amazing one at that). What I really wanted to say to Andrew comes out of a certain context that I fell upon days before going to this concert. People and Things Trailer by Jack's Mannequin He said that a lot of people said that he was an inspiration. This kind of put a weird feeling in my gut. I didn't want to be placed with all those people. I wanted him to know why he is such an inspiration, not only to me, but to other people.
You see, reader, Andrew definitely has a gift. I'm sure you've either heard it through his music, seen his amazing piano skills live, read some of his awesome writing, or have been with him (not personally, but through thoughts and prayers) during his stint with Leukemia. What I wanted to tell him is that he is an inspiration to many because he fills in words, where words fail others. In his music, you feel the passion come alive through the hammers and strings. When I was a teenager, I used his lyrics to attempt to be romantic, I sang aloud, at other times to replace the hurt I felt. The reason I always say it's 11:11 is from his song called "Konstantine", the one song that is still chanted at his concerts even though he is no longer with Something Corporate. You see, reader, when you listen to music, you judge it right away. Music is either good or bad. When I listen to Andrew's music, neither one of those categories come into play. Every time I listen, I see how it moves me, mainly because that's what his music does. This is probably the only musician that has spoken to me through music so many different times, in so many different ways. (11:11 P.M.) When Something Corporate disbanded, I was crushed, when I heard news of his being sick, I was crushed. When Jack's Mannequin came along, I was resurrected.
You know, reader, that I am sick. I have a disease that has no cure. I related with the music of Jack's Mannequin. The hope that, just like Andrew, a cure comes along and I can sing, draw, or write about my obstacles and overcoming them, grows every time I listen to his music. I look forward to hearing about his new album that deals with (as he said) life. I want to know what it would be like to live without the worry of sickness. To be able to move on without having those chains and weights weighing you down. This, reader, is why he is an inspiration to me. This is what I wanted to relay to him that night, which would've taken longer that just a quick "hello." I don't want to be grouped with those stupid teenage fans that just swoon over this guy because he is famous. I want to explain who I am and how he has affected me for the past 11 years of my life. I'll probably never get that bucket list item crossed off, but maybe, one day, I can follow up to this post and let you know how that conversation went. In the mean time, I will continue following him and his band, listening to his music, and allow myself to be swept away in the music.
The Resolution by Jack's MannequinThe Resolution by Jack's Mannequin
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