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Today is a day of rejoicing. Why? Today I have thrice over become an uncle. My sister-in-law has given birth to Kasen Jae Watson. The pretty awesome thing about this birth is that his birthday will forever be 11/1/11. I’m kinda jealous. On such an occasion, I Figure I can give him and my other two nephews some words of advice as they continue to grow up in this world. First off, Ayden. You, Ayden, being the oldest of the three, has the awesome duty of being an example to your younger brothers. You see, a lot of people find pressure or even a lack of motivation for taking such an important role. You, on the other hand, I know can handle such a challenge. You see, all you have to do is take God’s sound word and apply it in your life. Once you figure out that’s all you have to do, setting an example for others should come naturally. I like to compare it to an involuntary muscle. You know it’s there but it performs on its own. At the same time, you are the oldest and so who are you suppo

There's No Turning Back

Have you ever had an experience in life that left you wondering what ever happened to the other person involved? Maybe it's a relationship, a friendship, a family member, or maybe even someone you had just met for a brief amount of time. Sometimes we remember them through the feelings we held for them, but were never outwardly expressed. Maybe there was something left unsaid that you wish you could go back and say it, or maybe you wish you could tell them right here, right now the thoughts you've held on to this whole time. Whatever it may be, I think a majority of us wish we could go back. There are times I wish I could go back and save a friendship from going down the tubes, or maybe try out certain friendships instead of putting that person aside. (I know we aren't supposed to dwell on the past because there is nothing we can do about it, but in reality there is. We can learn from it. These regrets we may carry around can help us shape the person who we are today.) No

There's A Love That Is Fiercer Than The Love Between Friends

I feel as though I've been away too long. I apologize for my absence, a lot has happened since my last post. I traveled to California to help out my grandma and be with my family during the adjustment of my grandfather's passing. It was amazing being able to be with family again. I can't remember the last time we all were gathered together like that. Coming from a man that doesn't get this often, it truly was one of those experiences that I will never let go of any time soon. I realized while I was out there, how much I miss them and being able to see them day to day. After my trip, the time change (and lack of sleep catching the red eye back) left me exhausted during the week, for once, I was sleepy instead of sleepless. I also would like to thank everyone for their kind words and condolences. Now we move forward, with a twinkle in my eye, a pep in my step, and carpel tunnel forming in my fingers, I continue to write on. My dog has a sweet mustache even though she&#

And I Will Try To Fix You

Tonight I write with two people in mind. One is a friend who has been recently plagued with a less than glamorous experience despite her hard work, and the other is my grandmother whose husband just passed away. I know, these two people have different situations but my message to them is the same. Luckily, in this life, we are given the capability to love more than one person at a time. In fact, I encourage everyone to show love to each other because of the fact that we hold such capabilities to do so. I believe these lyrics to hold truth for both women. In fact, there is no part that I will leave out, but I may switch a pronoun. Here is the first verse: When you try your best, but you don't succeed When you get what you want, but not what you need When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep Stuck in reverse I know for a fact that these two women are hard workers, trying their hardest to please everyone and sometimes getting dealt some hard hands. I know my grandma lov

Now I'll Never Have A Chance

Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche The fact that we knew the end was coming shouldn't have surprised me. I was warned that he didn't have much time, I mean, I listened but didn't act on it. Unfortunately the day came. I was told he didn't have much time left, I guess no one knew that a couple hours later, that truth would become a reality. My grandpa died. From what I knew of my grandfather, he was a man who was respected and loved by many. I especially loved his sense of humor, his giving heart, and his craftsmanship. When I saw him a year ago, he didn't look sick. In fact, the last time I had seen him really sick was around my senior year of high school. I didn't know the cancer would come back so hard this time around. Usually, when I went to my grandparents, we would do the same old song and dance that I loved. We would discuss whatever was going on in life, Nebraska was usually next since he lived there and I, too, resided there. He'd show me his l

This is your life, I Dare You to Move

Today I watched a movie called "Awakenings". This movie was based on a true story of a doctor who tried to bring back catatonic patients. A miracle drug proved effective bringing back people who were "lost" for 20 years. There is one part where Robert Deniro's character talks about life with Robin William's character. Awakenings - the joy of life Later in the movie Robert Deniro's character goes on to say how much people forget about how precious life is. He knew what it was like to have the simplest pleasure slowly taken away from him. He explained how he wanted to simply go for a walk, something people take for granted. To be able to choose to walk to the left, right, or straight ahead. As he would go for his walk, he would stop and talk to people, window shop, do all those things that we forget to find joy in. I sat there watching this thinking, how right he is. Here, I go through this life acting like a catatonic person. I forget about the little jo

Time Doesn't Wait

Lately I've been talking to people and seeing reports about people who are passionate about following their dreams or doing something spontaneous. I would like to think that I try to do these things as much as possible. Of course, there are some things I never really was able to cross off my "to do" list. I never was able to teach in a foreign country (yet), go to England and visit some of the Victorian Age writers' homes, hike into the wilderness and enjoy the beauty of God's creation, you know, fun stuff. haha. I realize that there are some dreams that may never come to fruition, that's why they are called dreams. Then again, to reach for the stars, isn't such a bad thing either, right? I mean, I am still, in a way, young. With certain choices, we must face the responsibilities that come with it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing either. I did cross off one dream on my list, and that was to live with my best friend. Ever since college, I have been

Took Our Chance, Crashed and Burned

Have you ever found yourself completely shutting down, completely falling apart? It's so easy for us to sit back and say I can't or I'm not as good as this other person. You end up knocking yourself down so much that it's hard to recover. Eventually darkness looms over you and you can't help but be swallowed up. Stress gets to each and every one of us. In order to break it, you have to find your own way out. Go to a place that no one can take from you. Whether it's getting lost in a book, art, music, or some other activity. The realization for turning that stress into something productive is vital to survival. In today's song, there is a struggle. As a literature major, I always look for the struggle that the hero must endure. Reader, what struggles are you going through? Are you struggling within yourself, with another human, maybe the forces of nature? Whatever it may be, this next song helps me battle through these stress induced situations. So let'

Even If I Come Back, Even If I Die Is There Some Idea To Replace My Life?

My mind has been racing tonight. I recently finished watching a DVD entitled "Dear Jack". This DVD is about one man's struggle to overcome Leukemia. In this video, he documented his optimistic moments; his struggle to stay alive; his raw moments such as: the moment he started losing his hair, transfusions, and the restlessness of being confined to his hospital room. My emotions were rampant during this video. I experienced sadness, lightheartedness, jealousy, and the uncomfortable feeling of reliving a moment in my past. Bear with me as I explain myself. I really need to unload my thoughts and feelings.  If you haven't guessed it already, I am talking about the same man in my previous post. I purchased this dvd at the concert I recently attended. It was eye opening to say the least. In this video, I didn't know what to expect at first. Throughout the movie I became less and less talkative. It was like looking at a mirror, knowing that no one will ever understan

I Still Hear You In This Old Piano

(Note: I will be posting random songs by Andrew McMahon, feel free to listen whenever, I may blog about specific ones later) Walking By by Something Corporate This past weekend I had the amazing opportunity to see my favorite performer pour his soul into his music. I've had the incredible opportunity to meet Andrew McMahon on two separate opportunities. The first was a year ago, and the second two days ago. The first time I met him was when he had the Something Corporate Reunion Tour and then recently as Jack's Mannequin. As you have read before in the post about the song "Swim", I consider this musical genius to be a pretty huge inspiration to me. This guy, from the two times I've met him, read his blogs, and the fact that he makes sure to meet his fans, is a really awesome guy to have as the inspiration that he is to me. The first time I met him I actually had the chance to tell him how much he is such an inspiration to me. Figuring that he would just sa

Falling Slowly, Sing Your Melody, I'll Sing It Loud

First impressions, man can they be tough, yet rewarding if it turns out well. Of course, when it comes to the opposite sex, first impressions are very important. I remember my first encounter with a girl that actually thought I was cute. Let me paint you the picture. The setting, a romantic sunny, summer day in Rowlett, Texas. The place, the local YMCA pool. Yes, reader, you can already tell it's going to be classy. I was probably in 5th or 6th grade at the time, and we would always go to the pool to cool off from the hot, Texas, summer. I remember this particular day for two reasons; the first is that I jumped in the pool with a newly made mix tape that I had spent all day sitting at the stereo waiting for the radio to play my favorite songs. Luckily I realized it right away and jumped out so that it could dry. The second reason is because there was a particularly pretty girl at the pool. I tried to play my cool by not really staring, although the casual glance was needed to show

I Gave Up Not So Long Ago

Have you ever had that one song in all of the music you know or own and it is one that can move your spirit no matter what you are going through in life? I'm excited to share that one song with you, reader. This song, I discovered back in high school. I had always wanted to play it live because it is a prayer that really speaks the truth about my life and whatever may be going on. I never really found the opportunity to play this song, due to the fact that it has a certain mood and length to it. I actually did find that one time do finally perform it. My 5th year of college, I was going to play my final talent show at MLC. I was quite the regular performer for talent shows at MLC and I always looked forward to it each year. My, girlfriend Kristin, and I were going to perform this song. I played guitar and found the courage to sing, and Kristin helped me out with vocals. We were more than ready to sing this prayer to everyone at that talent show. Not to toot my own horn, but usually

Aushua....'nough said...

Tonight's band is especially dear to me. For once, I can say that I pretty much know all the band members but one. I went to school with three of them in California, one in elementary (Lee Neujahr) and the other two (Eric and Phil Neujahr), in high school. In high school, Phil, Eric, and Greg Lyon used to have a band called Down by 3 or DB3. They would play in the multi-purpose room (essentially a trailer). They would play songs by NOFX, Third Eye Blind, MXPX, and other punk bands at the time. These guys knew how to rock, they ended recording a cd, that I surprisingly still have and listen to every couple years. What was so awesome was seeing Phil, Eric, and Lee pursue their musical ambitions. I remember hanging out with these guys, never knowing, how big they would become. In high school and college, Lee and I would perform in bands together. Eric, Alan Cross, and I would play a bit in our traveling choir, and, well, I never got to play with Phil, I don't think. It was actua

Take A Deep Breath, Now Exhale

Reader, it was inevitable that it was going to happen. It really was just a matter of time. I lost a grip on my happiness for the day. My day started out with 5 hours of sleep leading up to a home visit at 8 in the morning. It was a decent visit, but after 5 hours of sleep, I didn't feel like sitting there for the hour and twenty minutes that I did. From this point on, it was pretty much every little thing snowballed my happiness into a tree, crippling it's hopes on making it through the day. Unfortunately (and all it took), what really put me over was losing a game of Scrabble 254 to 367. I usually don't lose Scrabble that horribly, but this middle aged man and my row of vowels really pissed me off. How silly is that? How do I gather my dignity now with only 2 hours left of the day? I could sleep, but even though I am exhausted beyond belief, I know it'll take me a while due to the thoughts I have in my head. The next best thing is this: Writing down the imaginary plac

This Is My Desire

"Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the measure of faith God has given you. Just as each of us has one body with many members, and these members do not all have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him teach; if it is