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Aushua....'nough said...

Tonight's band is especially dear to me. For once, I can say that I pretty much know all the band members but one. I went to school with three of them in California, one in elementary (Lee Neujahr) and the other two (Eric and Phil Neujahr), in high school. In high school, Phil, Eric, and Greg Lyon used to have a band called Down by 3 or DB3. They would play in the multi-purpose room (essentially a trailer). They would play songs by NOFX, Third Eye Blind, MXPX, and other punk bands at the time. These guys knew how to rock, they ended recording a cd, that I surprisingly still have and listen to every couple years.

What was so awesome was seeing Phil, Eric, and Lee pursue their musical ambitions. I remember hanging out with these guys, never knowing, how big they would become. In high school and college, Lee and I would perform in bands together. Eric, Alan Cross, and I would play a bit in our traveling choir, and, well, I never got to play with Phil, I don't think. It was actually because of Phil, Eric, and my dad that I would pick up the Bass guitar first, then the acoustic. They inspired me to pursue this art form that people enjoyed listening to.

A couple years ago, Aushua (now Pacific Hurt) toured the country, stopping in Milwaukee to do a gig. It was so cool seeing everyone together again, a mini high school reunion if you will. It was cool seeing how everyone had taken different paths and yet somehow led to this one bar. Greg, a pastor, husband, and now father; and myself, a principal/teacher. I remember saying to Phil and Greg that Down By 3 should've played a couple songs for their reunion, it never happened, but it would've been cool.

I specifically, remember that night, being enamored by tonight's song, Hiding Place by Aushua the rhythm, vocals, and of course the "Ohs" are hypnotizing. This is the perfect reminiscing song. The words are, from what I gather, about a relationship where love is viewed as two different things. When I listen to the drums, walking bass lines, and piano (all by the Neujahrs) I think about how Lee would air drum in elementary school; how it's funny that Phil plays bass when that was Eric's instrument in high school, and how Eric plays the guitar and piano, when guitar was Phil's choice back in high school. You see, the way this song is laid out, I can't help but reminisce, and I feel the way this song is put together, it's got the perfect vibe for that.

If you haven't already clicked the link for this song, you may notice that the show Chuck also comes up. This song was featured in an episode of Chuck. It was so weird watching one of my favorite shows and then hearing Aushua perform. These were my friends playing on national television. How cool is that?! I felt so proud of them because I know of the hard work, the hours they put in, as well as the miles, to get their music out there. In that moment, there they were, enhancing the story of a tv show through music.

Here are the Lyrics for Hiding Place by Aushua
My face was long
when I heard a whisper in her song
and it pulled me by the wrists
like the words of a hypnotist
make the silence break
yeah, when they snap, you wake.

I heard it all before,
promise not to anymore
but I'm just listenin' to the breeze
I ain't beggin,' sayin' please
there ain't nothin' wrong
tryin' not to bare the bone
tryin' hard to hide alone
and she bursts into my room
carryin' a Bible and a broom
screamin' let me in

but I'm just hearin' her singin'
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

Hearts in trouble but it won't break
'cause the whispers in the dark
oh, they'll never know your name
I aint sayin' I believe
and I'm not sayin' you're to blame
but you call this thing love
and I don't think they're the same

It's just a hiding place.
Oh, on the island, just breathe
it treats you kindly, but time
oh, no, it's never quite as sweet
til you're standing on the brink of the open door
can't bring you in
ever since a child I've been
chasin' an image in my head of ...
on my bed, under a cloud of sheets

Yeah, I could always hear her singin'
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh
oh oh oh oh oh oh oh

My hands are tied but they won't stay
'cause I'll chew all on the ropes like they were sugarcane
won't stand there with fallen hands and silently wait
til you swear your eyes had seen what you never heard 'em say
can't erase this ... before it drives you insane
and your knees and your whole soul start to tremble and shake
and think of who you were before you gave it away
and you spend all your money tryin' to feel the same.

Gimme some of that hiding place

To the guys of Aushua (Pacific Hurt) keep up the amazing work. I hope you can make it back out to Milwaukee. To the Neujahrs, I miss ya guys! Keep up the awesome talent you three have. Keep spreading the love music style. To everyone else, keep an eye out for these guys. Oh, and if Pacific Hurt is reading this, I misplaced your cd when I bought it in Milwaukee, I don't know if you have a lifetime replacement policy, but I wouldn't mind it if I could either get a free one, or buy it off of Zune sometime. I don't care for Itunes....


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