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Let's Get Together And Feel Alright!

Do you ever have one of those days where you look outside and you can't help but get over the fact that the world is absolutely beautiful? I definitely had that kind of day. After waking up, I decided to take Kirra over to the school yard to go play. What this entails is me throwing a huge tennis ball and then chasing her around until she drops it. I may be lucky to get 3 throws in. After running around in the 70 degree weather, I strapped her up in our front yard so Kristin and I could get some cleaning done. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was outside. The sun was shining amidst a beautiful blue sky with fluffy clouds speckled here and there. I knew Kirra wouldn't mind being outside because the area was shaded and there was a cool breeze blowing, which means she wouldn't be digging holes.

After cleaning up a little, Kristin and I decided that I would need to go into town to get some groceries. For those that may not know, "town" is about 35-40 minutes away (depending on where you are going), so it meant a drive that would entail windows down and music up. You could only guess my excitement, and I decided to take Kirra so that we could revel in each other's happiness of driving in the car. Usually when taking Kirra for a ride, we put her in the back seat of our Ford Focus for obvious reasons, that being, while laying down she takes up the whole back seat.

As I began driving, I put on a playlist I have come to favor while being in the car. I roll down all the windows, which queued Kirra to pop her head out the car window and enjoy the 45 mph breeze. The sun felt good on my left arm while the breeze danced through my hair. It was picturesque. This sparked a memory back in college where a friend of mine wanted to go for a nice summer drive, going nowhere specific. As we drove through the countryside we listened to music and let the ride, scenery, music, and company enfold us. It was bliss.

As I was driving Kirra decided that the backseat was no longer a good position for her and she moved up to the passenger seat. She likes this seat because the window goes down farther and she has a huge windshield to look out. In fact, she doesn't care if the seat is occupied or not, she will still attempt to occupy it. While she sits in this seat, I have to protect the shifter because she likes to sit in various positions while I drive, mostly so she can really take in the scenery. The first position is her sitting normal facing forward with her forehead up against the windshield, then she turns to the right to hang her head out. While in this position she likes to look at me with a huge smile as if she wants to thank me for taking her on this ride. Another position she fancies is sitting with her back to windshield, facing the back of the car. We always make fun of her for this position because this is the position she learned when she first rode in the car. She never faced forward, and as cars came by she would stare at them as they followed behind or passed. I can only imagine what it would be like to drive behind us when she does this. The last position, which I never saw her do until today came off of a commercial. I can't remember which one, but the dog's butt is hanging out the window. Yeah, she pulled this one off pretty gracefully. She stood up, faced me and let her butt hang out there. Maybe she was trying to moon people, I don't know, but she seemed pretty proud of herself for doing this.

During our venture, we passed a lot of farm land, in fact, it's all farm. The beautiful scenery was sometimes interrupted by the smell of freshly made/laid cow manure, or the occasional dead doe. Kirra loved the smells, I, unfortunately, have become so accustomed to it I didn't really care.
We came upon a small town that had a train passing by. While waiting, a large group of people were celebrating someone's 50th birthday. Kirra enjoyed watching the children play. I had to hold her back legs just in case she decided to go play with them. It was about this time I happened upon a song that made my drive seem so much more serene. Why don't you tune in with me. One Love by Playing For Change

Let me take a break from my drive to explain the Playing for Change group. This is a group that goes around the world recording different musicians and then puts everything together to create this one song. It's one of the coolest things I've seen. The money that goes into buying the cd goes towards building schools for music around the world. I believe they've built one in Africa already. You should definitely check out their videos; in fact, when you buy their cd, a dvd of their videos comes with it.

As this song came on, a huge smile came on my face. It was the perfect day for this due to the weather, my great mood, riding with my dog, and feeling the love of God through all of the aforementioned feelings. Passing corn fields, horse stalls, and people doing yard work, this feeling of life overcame me. This day was one of those where you are extra happy to be alive and experience everything around you. I know we should feel this all the time, but we don't.

I especially felt the message of this song when I passed a certain farm. The farmers actually sacrificed some of their field, that could produce money, for what is called "The Field of Dreams". I kid you not. Just like the movie, they built it, and a lot of people have come to check it out. Their corn field is now 4 regulation size soccer fields. I stopped one day to see what it was like and stayed for about 45 minutes and played soccer by myself. It was so cool that these people built these fields for people to use. On the other side of their house, they also have a community garden. It's a pretty big garden where anyone can come to use their field and plant whatever they want to grow. Talk about love for others. They sacrificed the ability to make money, for other people's happiness. You can't help but sing, "Let's get together and feel alright."

Today was one of the better summer days the Midwest has seen and I was so happy that I had the whole day to enjoy it. I hope, reader, that you take the time out of your day to sit back and enjoy the beauty this world has to offer. When you have the time, get in your car, blare some music, and drive with no destination in mind. I know you will enjoy it. If you drive too much as it is, go for a walk or a bike ride. Do whatever you have to do in order to enjoy the world we live in. I am especially talking to those readers who live in California ; )


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