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With My Feet On The Dash The World Doesn't Matter.

While attending College in Minnesota, I usually traveled back and forth by car from my home in California. This was the ultimate road trip for me. I usually did 2-3 legs of the trip. The first started in Temecula and ended in either in Denver or Grand Junction.The second leg was from Colorado to Nebraska, then the next day would be Nebraska to Minnesota. My favorite part of the trip was always Colorado. I remember whenever I would see the Rocky mountains the sun would be setting and they would light up purple; or driving through the mountainous pass, seeing the trains go by, watching the rivers traverse the terrain, and of course, the snow. There really was nothing more majestic than this drive. Well, maybe, but it's tough to beat. One night I was driving from Minnesota to California, not alone though. I had my girlfriend at the time, she was going to meet my parents for the first time.

While driving through the mountains, it was usually sunset or night time. I remember taking in the silhouettes of the trees against the lit up night sky. The cold air coming into the car from the windows, the relaxing feeling in the passenger seat. I remember staring out the window taking in everything. As I stated before, the sky was lit up, not from the city, but by God's own majestic work. I had never seen so many stars in my life, even the Milky Way made an appearance. I was in complete bliss. I had a girl that I super liked next to me, the comfort of summer, and this beautiful scenery to get lost in. The only real way to express my amazement/solace is the song "Passenger Seat" by Death Cab for Cutie.

The way the song is played, instrumentally, helps you understand that relaxed/comfortable feeling I had while driving. It's as if you are in a deep dreamlike state. Once the lyrics chime in, then you can see what was going on in my mind during this amazing ride.

I roll the window down
And then begin to breathe in
The darkest country road
And the strong scent of evergreen
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

The sensory words that are put into this verse, immediately makes that past become a reality. Maybe you have even experienced something similar to my story. When I relive this memory I can feel the reclined passenger seat, the air brushing past my face, and taking in the aromas of the mountain. 

Then looking upwards
I strain my eyes and try
To tell the difference between shooting stars and satellites
From the passenger seat as you are driving me home.

Reader, doesn't this make you feel so relaxed? How can these words not bring a smile to your face, or even a euphoric sense of belonging and safety? I guess, when driving in the mountains, the driver has to worry about animals, dangerous winding roadways, falling rocks, car accidents, and the like. But as the passenger, you have a different outlook. You know the driver will care for your safety which helps you take in all that is presented to you. In our song, you can tell that this drive is one that both people are enjoying. They are taking in something that is bigger than both of them; for instance, the distance and radiance of the stars; the sight of the dark road; the smells of the trees; and the fact that they are together. With the soothing knowledge that they can enjoy the company of each other a friendly dialogue opens up.

"do they collide?"
I ask and you smile.
With my feet on the dash
The world doesn't matter.

Can you sense the playfulness of the two lovers? When in love, you feel that nothing can diffuse the sense of security between yourself and the one you love. This is the same type of feeling that overcame me that night in the mountains. We were unstoppable. All of those dangers I listed before never came up which allowed me to ride these feelings out for a while. Reader, when you receive these uninterrupted feelings of love, you can't help but feel invisible. You start thinking about how you can keep this going. This is when you start taking your thoughts and expressing them to the other person.

When you feel embarrassed then I'll be your pride
When you need directions then I'll be the guide
For all time.
For all time.

Usually, I'd make fun of stuff like this because it's corny. When I put myself in the position of this passenger, and knowing that a year later I proposed, I can't help but tell you the truth, I did think these thoughts. This trip made me want to be everything this girl wanted. The incredible high, that was love, was so intense that it made me figure out what we were doing in this relationship. I took this simple moment and saw how huge it was turning out to be.

Reader, promise me that you will take your loved one for a road trip, whether it is for a couple of miles, or across states. Make sure you play this song while doing it. The emotions that course through your body leaves you asking, "Is this the person I know I can take these trips with through life?"
"Is it the person in the other seat that makes you want to be the best you can be for all time?"
Take this trip, I beg of you. Be with your other half and get ready to get lost in love. The ride could end up being one that lasts a life time.

Passenger Seat by Death Cab For Cutie


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