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Indecision Bleeds Me Dry

Have you ever had that relationship where it seemed as though, no matter how much you put in it, whether time, trust, or love, the other person doesn't care enough to see where the relationship is taking you? It's hard enough trying to put your best foot forward while the other is off making memories without you, or going off with others and leaving you behind. You can certainly say that things are a bit one sided, the other person is jumping ship before seeing if it'll reach it's destination or sink.

I'm sure either you have been on this end or were the one to cause it. Either way, the relationship goes nowhere and someone is left hurt. The worst part is the struggle, not knowing, how things could have turned out if played differently. This thinking brings the, "Let's get back together and try it again" relationship, where pretty much everyone knows, if one person wasn't into it, what are the odds it'll work out a second time around?

To the person feeling abandoned, I can sit here and tell you everything will be okay, there are more fish in the sea...yaddi yaddi yadda. Those statements aren't necessarily false, it's just that they are used way too much. Let yourself get angry, feel hurt, and analyze things, to an extent. It's healthy. This is what helps you learn about what you want in life. I remember a break up with one of my girlfriends, it was pretty bad. We ended up getting back together and what happened? I was the person putting too much forth and the other was doing the same, but with another guy. Was I angry? Was I hurt? Yes I was. Who wouldn't be? In order to get her out of my mind, I looked to friends to help me take my mind off things. One night I got into a friend's car and we rode to a different town super late at night. In the car, he was playing this band I never had heard before. This memory is so vivid. It's as if fate had me there at that exact moment. The stars were out in full brilliance and it was a little chilly out. This song helped me say goodbye to everything about the relationship and move on. The song? "Hands On Deck" by Waking Ashland.

In the song, the chorus explains the setting of the song and helps set the mood.

All hands on deck, don’t abandon the ship
You’ll never know what it could have been
All hands on deck, my ship is sinking
Don’t let me go, Don’t let me drown

The imagery: awesome. The message is one a lot of people from both sides of the relationship should pay attention to. The first verse deals with both sides at the same time. The singer is explaining his feelings as he is trying to tell us what the girl did to him in this relationship.

A step to the right to your own rhythm
Cause what comes next is up to you
And I need a miracle to save me from this
And I need the angels to all pray for me
I can’t believe you

In every relationship, there are two sides, everyone knows this, yet, not many follow it. Here he needs the love of this other person, more communication, anything to show that she is still interested in him and the relationship. When she shows nothing he can't take it anymore. The decision is up to him while she continues to live her own life within whatever they have left.

Another day another worry
Breaks right through
And indecision bleeds me dry
And she's painting pictures I'm not making for her
And she's got a vision without me in mind
I can’t believe it

He is finally realizing what he has to do, the hard part is finally doing it. I feel like this guy and I are one in the same. The hardest thing to do, for guys like me, is deliver bad news. To ultimately end something you feel you could wait and see how things play out is a horrible feeling because you feel like you are the one quitting. There comes a time though when you have to think to yourself, is this worth the wait? Is this worth the time and energy I will ultimately have to put into this to make it work while the other just rides on through without a care? You try to outweigh the good and bad, the memories that are awesome, and then the reality of the situation. The songwriter does the same.

The long walks on Moon Light beach
The promises you could not keep
You're so contagious, so contagious
For all the world we did not see
And all the smiles you gave to me
They're so contagious, So very fake
He's made up his mind, he can't take it anymore. How does he respond to her? He ends it. Unfortunately, when you are at the end of your rope, exhausted emotionally, you can't help but finally break. In this case, though, it's not unfortunate because this decision was a healthy one.

And Goodbye to you, Goodbye to you, you

Hearing this song on that cool, fall night, in the car, all the while looking at the stars was all I needed. I even asked for my friend to repeat it a couple times. Being lost in this song helped me feel that I rode the relationship as long as I could. In fact, longer than the other person was willing to go. I saw it through to the end, I waited and saw. I said goodbye. Do I look back and wonder what would happen if I didn't end it? Sure, don't we all. Then I think, if I didn't end it, I would've been miserable a little bit longer instead of moving on to the one I married. Life is such an awesome adventure, reader, sometimes we need to say goodbye to a dark area in our life so we can see the dawn of a new morning. It's never too late to start something new, exciting, and beautiful. 

Hands On Deck by Waking Ashland fair warning, the music video is cheesy...


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