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What Moves You?

Before reading, click here and get the song started: Hidden Track after Bro Hymn by Pennywise

When I think of passion, I think of a person pouring their heart and soul into whatever job/piece of work that they are currently undertaking. You (as my basketball coach would say) leave it all out there. Every part of you is consumed and you make sure to make it your best so others can see your dedication to your craft. I like to rile people up so that their passion ignites and they are left feeling that the world is theirs. Maybe I should look into being a motivational speaker. haha.

In all seriousness, I talked about death in my last post and how our lives are so precious and that we should live them to the fullest. The song you are listening to comes after a song called Bro Hymn. This song is about the passing of a friend/brother. It's a punk song that celebrates the life and death of this individual. If you wait long enough, you get this song. It's as if the seriousness of the world sets in and the passion pulls through.

In the song, you can hear some mess ups, I don't know if they were intended to be or if this is to show the sadness of the passing of this loved one, but it really hits me. I don't think, oh man, he messed up, why would they put a track where he messes up? No, I think, wow, this guy is pouring his heart into this song. It makes me wonder how many amazing musicians just pick up their instruments and play for themselves. Then I wonder what they play. Myself, along with my Dad and Uncle, constantly have a discussion about this. If you've ever heard of Eric Johnson and the song "Cliffs of Dover", it sounds like this guitarist decided to randomly pick up the guitar and pour out his passion for his ability to make a guitar's voice ring out  If you haven't heard this song, check it out when you are done reading, it's amazing how playful this song is.

I then start to think of my Dad and how well he plays guitar. He has this way of playing the guitar that makes it seem so effortless. Whenever I am home, I can always count on him being upstairs recording his guitar tracks. I always love sitting downstairs, listening to him put his passion into what he plays. There are many times I wish I could play the guitar as well as he can, but I also know that my talents are different in my own unique way.

What do you find passion in, reader? What do you love spending your time doing? How often do you get to do it? I know being grown up with a family, job, and bills may not allow you to spend as much time with your hobby or interest, but you must find the time to really sit down and do it. If you aren't doing something you love, how can you say that you are living life to the fullest?

I have multiple hobbies that I like to rotate so that I do not lose my passion. The first one, the one I've had the longest, is sketching. I love to doodle, sketch cartoons, landscape, tattoos, and draw word art. When I am not doing this, I am an amateur photographer. My favorite type of photography is macro or anything with a slow shutter speed. I love seeing the details in my artwork. Without the details, someone could miss what I was trying to portray. Continuing on, when I am not sketching or photographing things, I am either painting or spray painting. When I'm not doing that, I am either playing an instrument or listening to music. So, reader, as you can see, I have a lot of different abilities that I like to rotate into my life. This helps me stay passionate about each specific ability and I always find that when I return to it, I've grown in some aspect or have more creative ways of putting pieces together.

I strongly encourage you to find your passion, especially if it's been awhile since you've felt it. If this means that you need to dust off the old fishing pole, do it. Get your passion back, live life to the fullest! If you feel like that one hobby or interest is getting old, find a new interest that can distract yourself for a little bit. God has given you more than one ability/blessing in this life and he did that so that you can use it for his benefit. Don't put it aside and choose not to use it. Grow in your blessings, immerse yourself in what God has placed in your life. You never know what you will find about yourself. Most of all, share your passion with others. Think of this idea as a row of people holding candles. When one person lights their candle and touches the candle of another, that candle lights, and then that person does the same to the next person in line until everyone's candle is lit. The person on the end could not have had their candle lit without you starting it. Who knows how many people could be affected by your passion.

As you listen to the 10 or so minutes left of this song (yes it's a long one), really think about what you are passionate about. Think of how you can find the time to go and really enjoy it. When you do, put everything you have into it and don't stop until you feel satisfied. Show others what you are passionate about and who knows, maybe you'll ignite that flame that has been dormant in someone else. You'll never know until you try.

"There is no passion to be found playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living."
Nelson Mandela

Cliffs of Dover by Eric Johnson 


  1. There is no more frightening thought to me than the loss of a loved one. Nevertheless, part of loving is recognizing the brilliance of the loved. So I think, once again, you got this right.

    Inspiring others, being the best examples of what we are capable of as human beings, ought really to be the aim of all. Recounting what inspires us is not only a celbration of, in this case, the artist, but also an affirmation of our aspirations toward the good, toward God.

    Well done Ian. Keep writing. It inspires me to do what I do better.


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